If you were using thr accelerator with it, most people do gain weight in the beginning because it boosts their metabolism and it takes about 3 full weeks for the 5-htp to take effect which helps suppress the appetite. But that's usually the cause...also many people gain the first week as well due to thr extra water intake.
You had die off symptoms of Candida that can last for about two weeks. You should power through it. I have three customers and ambassador who went through it too, and now at the end of week 4, have lost 3 and 6 lbs, and combined 12 inches! Don't be discouraged! Hopefully your ambassador has educated you as to what Candida…
The foremost product, Plexus Slim, was initially created as an all natural alternative to medication to help diabetics control their insulin levels. The Slim (a crystal light-like powder you mix with water and take about 30 minutes before you eat breakfast in the morning, yummy too) helps to level out your blood sugar so…