

  • I have the same problem, I cook a lot of my meals at home and it makes it harder for me to keep track of it all. If you figure out a workaround for this, be sure to let me know!
  • Thank you!
  • You are super helpful. Can I friend request you and ask you any questions I have in the future?
  • Ok now I'm curious, why haven't I gained muscle while doing those things? I've gained 2 pounds since starting my caloric deficit, so how can that be if I'm not gaining muscle? Also, thanks for your answer, I will keep at it :)
  • Hello! I'm 24 years old and looking for a buddy with a similar situation who can help motivate me! I'm 5'7 SW: 167 GW: 150 I'd really like to talk to other people who are trying to lose weight while trying to manage chronic health issues. I'd also like to talk to others who struggle to/have found out how to put themselves…