

  • Hello Newbies, Welcome, and don't worry here you will get a lot of support for weight loss. This is like a family and we support one another so any help just ask.....:smile:
  • Hello, Yes, the comment that was made about if you are checking everything accurately and don't despair you will lose weight. It just takes time, and that determination to never ever quit.
  • Hello, Welcome, and don't worry any help motivation you need this is the place to be. We all need motivation to continue this process as it's not easy for anyone of us but you will make good friends here that will help you along the way.
    in New Again Comment by vaponte12 May 2014
  • Hello, Wow, cottage cheese I don't like it, lol. Does this really help? I like the peaches though, has anybody mixed the peaches with cottage cheese if yes, how did it taste?
  • Hello, Really, oh my I love twinkies and yes you were deprived when you was a kid, lol. I heard they are making a comback, but has anyone yet checked how fattening they are? At least, I will know that way I can stay away from them, lol.
  • Hello, I always wondered how good gastric bypass would be, because my aunt got it but she gained the weight back so is this something you recommend?
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