

  • [/quote] after being raised on eating those foods and eating them for 27 years it is not easy to STOP eating them, but i have cut WAY down on them. if i was on here still eating the way i used to everyones jaws would drop at how horrible my food is. [/quote] I LOVE Lucky Charms and Cap'n Crunch (but don't tell anybody)
  • Amen to the Greek yogurt! That is an exellent source of no fat, high protein.
  • egg whites, lentils, and tuna are great sources of low fat protein. If you can handle a little sodium and a bucket full of preservatives try pork rinds or turkey jerky.
  • I tried doing the vegetarian thing and while it was not hard to do, I simply was not getting enough protein (no veggie flamers please). I was feeling wiped out, dizzy, and just plain exausted after my workouts. You got to have that protein, I don't care what anybody tells you, you simply cannot get enough protein from…