s_sutton01 Member


  • OK.....yes, eating lean meats, protein snacks, fruits, vegetables, and whole grains and eliminating the sugars, laying off fried foods, and alcohol and avoiding bad fats is the right way to go....however, calorie count still matters. Bottom line it's about energy balance: Your caloric intake should not exceed your…
  • 0% plain greek yogurt from Aldi....my favorite is to add honey but if I have them I'll add a few berries.
  • I have twin girls who are 2.5yrs. I gained a lot of pregnancy weight but lost most of it soon after giving birth......I have since put it all back on and am about the same weight as when I had them. Working to take it back off. You're welcome to add me! I just joined today!
  • I like oatmeal cooked in half milk(cows/almond/whatever) and half water, honey or brown sugar, cinnamon, chopped apples, and walnuts. Also, try taking raw oats and mixing with your favorite fruit yogurt and let sit over night in the fridge. Come morning it's delish!
  • Hi All...just joined....literally! Like 20 minutes ago. Looking to lose about 60-70lbs and need some serious motivation.