

  • Agreed. If your bone or muscle mass is significantly different from average, your BMI could be way off. Don't worry too much about BMI if your body fat, blood pressure, heart rate, etc is healthy.
  • ..sore! I usually only skip my workouts if I need an extra recovery day.
  • Ketosis, for me anyway, did get a lot easier after about a week in... and it was a very effective fatloss method. I didn't feel exceptionally mentally sharp, though, so I stopped after a couple of weeks.
  • Did you ease into your Vibrams? The company as well as my running store recommended starting with 10% of your normal mileage and *slowly* increasing it. You do use a lot of muscles in your calves and feet that aren't otherwise exercised with a traditional shoe, so it is easy to overdo it if you don't train carefully.
  • Vibrams! I went from debilitating shin splints to no shin pain literally overnight. Total convert.
  • Water throughout the day, occasionally some wine or beer at night.
  • I'm a die-hard Vibram believer! Won't run in anything else. (...except nothing at all. :) )
  • Not to further fan the flames of "does IF purify toxins in mah boddee?!11" debate, but my (limited) understanding is that it's not so much that it purifies toxins already stored in your body, whatever those may be, but that it gives your digestive and regulatory systems a break from being accosted by processed foods,…
    in Fasting Comment by duetwithjosh May 2012
  • I've considered vegetarianism and veganism but largely because I'm uncomfortable with the genetically modified feed given to food animals, the gross overuse of antibiotics, and the ethical and health issues involved with CAFOs. Instead, I eat a primarily vegetarian diet but will still eat quality organic meat and animal…
  • My boyfriend eats ****ty food (processed & fast food) and I'm the type to have naughty dreams about asparagus and kale so I'm not remotely tempted! xD
  • I find indoor cycling to be extremely boring. I'd much rather run outside, bike outside, or even run on a treadmill. That said, anything that gets people off their couches and sweating is a good thing :)
  • You'll need some external tools. The easiest way to get a rough estimate of it is to buy a scale that sends a small electrical pulse through one leg and out the other. By measuring your impedance they can get a pretty good idea of your body composition. This is the method I use. There's some fluctuation based on how…
  • I figured that's what you meant--just wanted to shed some extra light on the issue. As you said, there's a looottt of misinformation floating about. Running is fun! Have you tried barefoot or minimalist running? I hated running, too, until I tried it without running shoes. Totally different world.
  • Yup. True 'starvation mode' (or more accurately, 'famine response') is when carb and fat stores are completely depleted after a long period of extreme calorie deficiency, and you start metabolizing lean tissue and muscle. Not remotely gonna happen in 24, or even 72, hours. Fasting does, of course, affect the metabolism.…
  • Haha, thanks! There are extensive literature and case studies about IF online... so I spent nearly an entire day reading a lot of it during my first fast. My 'psychological hunger' had me pretty ravenous, so I had to distract myself by learning about the good I was doing for my body. If anybody has any specific questions,…
  • I'm not the person you asked, but I typically see about a half pound of fat loss after my fast days. (The scale is even lower immediately after breaking my fast, but some of that seems to be water weight... so I wait until the day after to weigh in.)
  • I like the rowing machine :D I feel like I get a pretty decent full body workout with good cardio, too.
  • I love dinner! I don't eat breakfast very often, and I've tried to give up largely on snacking except for nuts and fruit. I'm busy during lunchtime, so I often don't have time to put much thought into my meal... so that leaves dinner! I go all out :)
  • Here's one of my favorites, from Mark Bittman. (It's great if you throw in some kale, too!) Recipe: Roasted Quinoa with Potatoes and Cheese By Mark Bittman From the How to Cook Everything Vegetarian® app Introduction: When you boil quinoa for a couple of minutes, then roast it in oil, it develops a crispness that's almost…
  • I currently practice IF with a once a week 24 hour fast. I'll eat a normal dinner on Wednesday night, and not eat again until dinner on Thursday night. (Sometimes I'll do breakfast-to-breakfast instead, but I've found that I prefer dinner-to-dinner.) I've noticed positive effects on my cravings, body composition,…
  • I hit my first 1,000 calorie burn in the gym the other day. Felt great! ^_^
  • Ooh yeah, that's huge! Thanks for pointing that out. Breathing is super important... if you huff and puff through your mouth (instead of in through nose, out through mouth), your mouth will become more dried out, your heart-rate will probably be a little less constant, and you're more prone to 'stiches' in your side. (at…
  • Just get started! :D Let people think what they will for now.... they'll be doing a double take in six months. :) I'd strongly recommend running in minimalist shoes. If you're worried about your weight, you need to be super careful with your form. Most running injuries are caused from absolute overexertion, bad form, or a…
  • Just a note, be careful not to do *static* stretches before a workout -- only dynamic ones. Static stretches before you're warmed up can cause cramps and actually causes the muscles to tighten. I actually prefer to not stretch before I run at all... instead I walk at a very brisk pace (~4.2mph) for a few minutes to warm up.
  • Are you taking omega-3s? If not, take fish oil daily and try adding chia seeds to your salads. :)
  • Or so the shoe manufactures would have you think! I think in most cases, you're correcting for problems that aren't really there and instead are caused by the show to begin with. Your feet are evolutionary masterpieces and have served us well for thousands and thousands of years. Running shoes, conversely, came out a few…
  • I had horrible shin splints as long as I ran in running shoes. I got fitted for them, bought the custom inserts, and didn't skimp out on the shoes. Still, awful shin splints. I could only run a couple of minutes at a time before they were just debilitating and I had to slow to a walk. Since I'd tried all of the fancy shoe…
  • Pretty much the entire Death Magnetic album by Metallica. :)
  • No, no, no! I used to help my dad with his landscape company and this stuff was the bane of our existence. As others have said, it's eventually ineffective... and it really hinders any (wanted) changes to the landscape: planting new things, etc.
  • I found that, compared to my HRM, the numbers on the elliptical were low if I pushed myself to a really vigorous workout (HR > 170), but high if I only had a moderate to light workout (HR 155ish).