shekaiser Member


  • Something about mom's house....I did it again tonight! Two glasses of wine and a big slice of cake!!! UGHHH!
  • What are you feeling when you are eating? You said you weren't hungry. Are your anxious? Worried about the next day? Bored? Try to figure out why you are eating and then tackle those emotions. Easy to say, isn't it? Hard to do. I find that the moment I step into my mother's house, I want to eat. I have some dragons to slay!
  • I just bought the Polar FT7 and I love it! I have only used it once, so I have a lot to learn. Anyone know if I should be trying to keep my HR in Fat Burning zone or Athletic zone? I thought if I worked harder I would expend more calories, but now I am not sure!! Regarding the monitor, I was worried that the strap would be…
  • I wish I did!! It was in a health magazine. I will try to find it and let you know! I have so many around the house!!!! Not enough hours in the day to clean, exercise, ...
  • I just read an interesting article about how our brain works when faced wit a workout. We actually tell ourselves that we can't and we shut down. The article suggests that when you feel you can't, try to think about somehing else and keep going. So if you can only go for 5 minutes, push it to 6. Day by will get…