

  • People hate rejection of any kind or type. How they deal with it is a moderate meter on their personality. That being said, if you find you are being constantly being propositioned or whatever (and for all we know this person sent a "hey, you are pretty!" or "hello!" and was perceived as a creep, you know the rule 1st rule…
  • LOL!!!!! That's priceless.
  • I would never be fool enough to believe that men don't have their "favorites" when they look at women et al, nor do we women have the ability to deny we have our own preferences in men when we look at them. That said, I would never go about giving my husband a catalog of the reasons why he falls short of being the perfect…
  • My response would have been "Oh, what a relief!" lol. (and OP sorry, that sucks, and what a sucker punch to hear this, and you know you wouldn't want him either because he's ancient, we just don't have to belabor the obvious to every single person we meet now do we?)
  • OP my heart goes out to you. I had a miscarriage at 14 weeks between my 2nd and 3rd child (I have 4 now). I never took any drugs and I was sedated, I do not have a sensitive cervix, and I had a D&C. I cannot remember what kind of sedation it was but it knocked me out and frankly I was so emotionally upset I was just a…
  • Old school nerd here ...books, many books. I have read All The Science Fiction (almost), plus I read classics, non fiction, and weirdo bizarre freak books of pure fun. Also I game PC+Console. (my username here because I also sew, knit, cook, love live music shows, and just a whole hell of a lot)