mowe7545 Member


  • missy_girl001, I'm sorry to hear about your experience. I hope you found something else that you enjoy. I'm really hoping that this is a temporary setback on my part because outdoors fitness suits me so much better than the gym.
    in Knee Injury Comment by mowe7545 May 2014
  • mathjulz, I don't think it's ITB based on what you've said because it's on the wrong side, but I am doing RICE. I hate being sidelined, but I guess it's what I need to do.
    in Knee Injury Comment by mowe7545 May 2014
  • GMallan, I was trying to determine that and I think it's the medial anterior (inner/front) part of my knee. It hurts to put weight on it and it burns somewhat when I put weight on it.
    in Knee Injury Comment by mowe7545 May 2014