

  • LL Cool J = yum! Jason Varitek Mike Vrabel Charlize Theron
  • Bummer if you don't want to be friends with yourself. :noway:
  • Hi. I'm fairly new too and have learned a lot since I've been on. You are dead on when you talk about what you actually log in versus what you'd like to "think" you ate that day. I like the fact that all my categories (calories, fat, protein, etc.) get captured. What I'm starting to do now is remember back to breakfasts I…
  • I think you are very smart at 22 to have the sense to care about your body and understand what it takes to make healthy food choices. I know it's easier said than done, but I agree with Nikibob that you may need to pick some better, or should say, more supportive friends. In regards to your Dad and cooking, maybe turn the…