namdle Member


  • Turkey burgers with laughing cow garlic and herb wedges. best healthy meal I discovered. - that and my gumbo with turkey/shrimp/chicken breast. both stuff you for about ~500 calories
  • Some people have already said it's not a big deal for them, but I'm with you. I'm addicted to it. I count calories for every baked chip I eat. Every apple. My wife thinks I'm insane. The way I see it, it took me 10 years or so of not caring to get fat. I can do this for 3 months. Then when I'm @ target weight, I'd have…
  • Stick with it, and pay attn to your diet. First round last year, I went from 214 lbs to 169, and literally backed me away from diabetes. Over the winter I went back up to 189ish. Just finished week 2 of round 2, and back down to 180ish. Goal is to get down to 165 and stay.... First time around I was on a strict…
    in P90X Comment by namdle June 2012
  • To preface, I'm a liberal, democrat, etc. It's nanny state. People should choose to be healthy/unhealthy. They should choose to live or die. If I'm pro-choice about bigger things than soda size, I believe in the choice to be stupid, fat, lazy, ugly, brilliant, fit, hard-working, and everything in between.