

  • Balcony Railings are also a ver good intermediate build-up.....
  • Somewhere on instructables (I think) I saw a how to for a sewable light up turn signal that could be swen into a jack/shirt/vest whatever. It was even washable! Ean
  • Something else to throw in there....lower back exercises. Being able to keep your back straight while either in the plank, or modified push-up position is considerably easier with good strong core muscles. This will also make the entire process of the push-up a little bit easier (focusing only on chest/Shoulder/triceps)…
  • Jay, I can definitely understand the concern. Having been rear-ened on a bicycle by a drunk driver, and numerous close calls. One technique I have learned, is not actually ride to the right side of the lane. Depeinding on the local laws, bicycles may be considered vehicles with all of the same requirements and allowances.…
  • I am a bike commuter (13 miles one-way). While I have the opportunity to utilize my car, I choose not to. I have one bike setup specifically for commuting, it has panniers on the back which allow me to haul a surprising amount of stuff around. (incidently this also provides additional resistance). I am not a big fan of…
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