

  • I could use some friends to help stay motivated:)
  • So all of this would be safe while ttc? I forgot to add that. My husband and I have been ttc and been wanting a baby for a while now.
  • Thanks for everyones input. I also have another issue. I very much dislike any and all veggies. I will eat lettuce and spinach if on a sandwhich or in a salad and at times I will eat corn on the cob. But thats about it. I do however love fruit.
  • Hello! Im 23 and I have around 115 pounds to loose. I would love to get there by the end of next summer or close to there. I would love to help motivate. I love carbs. That is my problem. My husband is currently not on a diet so it makes it hard when he wants to go eat at a fast food restaurant. I also am a couch potato…
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