Sally422 Member


  • What's "30 Day Shred?" Sounds like a video. If so, can it be purchased on line?
  • I am stunned to find out that I just GAINED another pound - and I GAINED one last week, too! Except for one day, I've been staying well under my caloric intake and I've been exercising at least 1/2 hour a day and doing yoga for 45 minutes a day. I'm 5'4" and now weigh 130 which isn't overweight, but when I'm over 125, all…
  • Yeah, me too! I think it is erroneous.
  • I agree with Phoenix Rising. Because of the caffeine's dehydrating properties, coffee wouldn't count as part of your water unless it was decaf.
  • There is a kick boxing DVD in "Quick Fix Total Cardio Mix." I like it - there are 3 10-minute workouts, each concentrating on different areas of the body. The package comes with a hip-hop DVD, as well. It looks like a lot of fun, but I have no rhythm and no sense of where my arms and legs are going, so can't follow it.…
  • If your drink keeps you within your calorie range for the day, you should be OK, I think. What happens if I have a drink is that I lose all inhibitions and sense about eating. I'll eat bags of chips, pretzels, candy, cookies - sometimes all in the same night. Last week I had two slices of Chicago deep-dish pizza and I…
  • Now take a picture of yourself in those jeans and put it in the kitchen or some place else where you can admire it often! Hopefully it will provide daily inspiration.