

  • Hey all, I can respond with all the answers you need. I have a surgically repaired right knee (ACL and Meniscus tears) and osteo-arthritis in my left knee. I was able to insanity for month one with minimal pain and icing, but it was still somewhat painful and I had to modify. When I got to month two, I got through about 2…
  • I've tried Insanity twice, am going through tapout now, and have done p90X before. Only thing I will say without hesitation is if you have knee issues (I have osteoarthritis in knees) Insanity, especially month two, is TOUGH on your knees. Tapout so far I love because as mentioned before it's very core intensive, and it's…
  • Ok, to all of you, good lord thank you. I haven't laughed THAT hard in a long time, and it was all actually informational and still hilarious and clearly people had fun and didn't have anything holding them back so it was perfect. And I don't have any embarassing questions. All of them have been answered thanks to this.…