shonj85 Member


  • I have been on slimfast for about a month. I have not lost a significant amount of weight. I was losing more walking around my job and watching my calorie intake. I plan to join a gym within the next few weeks and think it will be better if I just count my calories. Also, I'd rather eat real food. The shakes (especially…
  • Her videos are a workout. I tried to do them for a few weeks but got tired of walking in place. I can say that they seem to promise results though, if it is working for you then more power to you!
  • I just found this group and would love to get it active again. I have pcos and constant bleeding,depression and weight gain among other issues. My husband and i have been unsuccessful in conception. I never had menstrual issues before but over the last three years i have been bleeding for all but about four months. Neither…
  • I'm sorry to see no one else has responded. I weigh 357 and have finally decided to get serious about my weight loss. I seem to be losing about four pounds a week. For people with a lot to lose that isn't bad. It isn't maintainable in the long run but initially i think it is okay. Good luck!