Huddles10 Member


  • Thanks Jo! I can only imagine what it will be like and I'm sure I will break down sometimes. As a woman who tends to feel very confident one day and not at all the next, its nice to hear from other women who feel the way I feel and say "it's okay!" Thank you!!! Thankfully I have a great man who loves me no matter what I…
  • WOW some really great advice! Thank you so much ladies!! No wonder I have slimmed down SO much! Obviously too much cardio and not enough calories! When I wanted to start losing baby weight, I stopped with the carbs and it kind of became a habit but I have no problem putting them back into my regular diet! That will be my…
  • Here is my training schedule but we switch up our work outs constantly but this is a good idea: Mondays: Off day Tuesdays: Leg day: Cardio-run for 2 miles or jump rope in between sets for 1.5 minutes, Lunges 4 sets of 20 (with and without weights), squats with and without weights 50 total, Dead lifts 2 sets of 15, calf…
  • Wonderful! Thanks :)
  • I added you! :) I'm also looking to bulk! I'm fit but still too skinny and I hate it! I'm looking to bulk later on in the fall and I'm not exactly sure where to start!