

  • Right, because no qualified nutritionist could possibly use the internet. They probably none of them have computers. And certainly no nutritionist would ever hang out on a nutrition forum.....
  • Another one that didnt read my post and missed the link to the cronometer screenshot? wonderfu. Its not a question of it being hard to exceed safe limits - according to cronometer I *am* exceeding the safe limits of micronutrients for niacin and sodium. I take no vitamin supplements or diet supplements, I eat real food…
  • I'm not sure if this is a misplaced attempt at being facetious/sarcastic, but it is misplaced. I am not asking if I am taking any poisons (cronometer doesn't track those), I am asking if my macro and micro nutrient breakdown for a typical day raises any concerns. For these purposes, the foods that make up those macro ad…
  • OK, it seems that I have overestimated the knowledge of participants on this site then. This is the food and *nutrition* forum after all, but perhaps this is too advanced for people here if you think that seeing that I eat broccolli is somehow more important than my overall macro/micro- nutrient breakdown that I posted. I…
  • <bump> anyone?
  • "In order for people to review your diet, you would need to make your diary public so people can better assist you. Even if it's only a few days, we need to see it to see how you've been logging." Hi Angf, thanks for the reply. Did you miss the link where I posted a screenshot of my cronometer macro/micro breakdown? What…
  • <bump> for anyone with the knowledge and time to spare to review this please
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