You know your on a knifes edge and if you start down that slippery slope then all of this great work (an it is amazing) will be lost . I live with my mum and her parents and when I read your situation it sounded like mine. After going through a few months of waiting till 10pm to have the front room to myself, I decided…
This is so helpful - I've been in pain two months and its taken two sets of xrays several trips to my doctor to find out today (from Doctor number 3) that I have Plantar Fasciitis. I've got the insoles but will go buy a tennis ball and freeze a bottle of water now. I've stopped running and partaking in certain Zumba moves…
I've been doing alot of reading up on this and everyone agrees you burn hundreds of calaroies. The most consistant bench mark is 700-1,000 per hour - from people who have a fancy gadgets. But for each person it's slightly different and will depend on if your doing cardio or flat abs etc..