

  • My husband recently ordered the DDP basic program and we have just started doing the beginner workouts. I have also started tracking my diet with myfitnesspal again. I fully expect to see results with DDP Yoga because of how the workouts are designed, you control the intensity and there is zero stress on my joints and…
    in DDP Yoga Comment by acrx3 June 2012
  • I'm still nursing my 8 month old so I take my prenatal with iron.
  • sorry, double posted.
  • I'm new too! Congrats on getting started, that was the hardest part for me! Please feel free to add me! All of you!!! :)
  • Kelly 38 Belleville Arkansas I have just gotten tired of being tired and sluggish. I don't like the way I look and I want to feel pretty and sexy again. I have four children, two that are still very small and I want to not only be around for them for a very long time but I want to be just as active and fun-loving for them…
  • I just got the Zumba game and have played it twice, sweating like crazy both times. I do a regular Zumba class three times a week and really enjoy it so I wanted to try it on wii. I'm thinking about getting the wii fit but not sure what other games are really beneficial. I'm interested to see what you all use and like.
  • Hi Kim! I'm new to this board and also to using the program too. I'm also nursing my baby boy who is 7 months old now. I'm an old pro at the BF-ing part but I have never been one of the lucky ones who are able to easily loose weight while doing so. I didn't know about the Breastfeeding entry that you can use in the daily…