

  • i'm in. Started at 375 4 years ago before I had gastric bypass. I got down to 247 for about a day, then slowly increased weight. I'm now at 282 (i was at 294 6 weeks ago). I would love to get down to 200 but I'm not so concerned about the pounds as I am about how I feel.
  • I have heard that anythingi that is not caffeinated counts towards your "water" intake. But that's what my dietician told me post gastric bypass, so I don't know if that goes for everyone or is surgery specific.
  • Yeah, I don't eat fast food all that much, we got it for the kids and I thought I would try. Mistake, I know. About the sugars though. My weight loss dietician said that I needed to eat lots of fruits and vegetables. Since the gastric bypass helps dump the sugars quickly, it doesn't matter if I eat more than I should
  • Thanks, just added that.
  • I put light active because I watch 5 children at home and have two autistic teenage girls of my own. I will be seeing a dietician next week, so maybe she'll be able to help. Trying to eat less processed foods, but when you rely a lot on local food banks to help you out, unfortunately that's what you get. i try to keep…
  • Oh, I know the big mac was a bad choice, but since it fit in caloric wise i thought I would try it. It was nasty. And i didn't finish it, which left me hungry, so I grabbled the leftover chicken nuggets. Yes, one of my weaker moments. Tonight will be a challenge because it's my daughters birthday and she wants to go to…
  • I have chronic pain from severe plantar fasciitis. I'm in physical therapy for it because the drs want to do surgery, and I definately am not going to do that. I can't do any other exercise because it puts too much pressure on my feet. In addition to the platar fasciitis, my feet in general cause me a great deal of pain.…
  • Thank you, I feel better know. I have been starving. I guess its from now eating enough calories. I'm just worried, because my weight loss surgeon said to stay under 1200 to lose weight. I just am unable to do that. Anyone with gastric bypass experience out there?