BZAH10 Member


  • Oh goodness! You have a very full plate. I can somewhat relate, but I only had one baby/toddler every weekend for almost the first two years of his life. I was exhausted just with that, since I work full-time as well. Thankfully, one of his parents got their act together and they are the caregiver now. Grandson is 2 1/2…
  • Uncomfortable, for sure, but necessary. If you hadn't brought it to their attention it would have continued. And how many times had it already happened. I understand the difficult situation, but I'm glad you spoke up.
  • Rest days are very important and you shouldn't feel guilty about them. I know you've said in that past that missing one day would start a pattern of not working out and eating poorly, so you KNOW that. Just don't even think about it. You're going to the gym tomorrow and that's that. Try to plan regular rest days though, or…
    in Rest Day Comment by BZAH10 August 2023
  • Please don't waste your energy hating yourself! Obviously, your body is capable of being physically active since you are embarking on two good challenges, so be grateful for that. Treat it well, and feed it properly and changes will come if you are honest and consistent with weighing and logging your food. There are lots…
  • Oh, and also, you're NOT a desperate failure! You're learning to navigate new, difficult circumstances.
  • I'm sorry that you're struggling so much right now, but the comments from your husband (that don't stop after talking to him about their affects on you) is a major concern. Will he go to marriage counseling with you? If not, consider going on your own. Talking to your doctor is a good idea, however, weight loss medications…
  • Self care! Very important. Good for you for prioritizing yourself. Enjoy!
  • Ego? Self-preservation? I don't know either, but they are only limiting themselves. Annoying to be around though, for sure.
  • Do take some time to look into body dysmorphia, as @springlering62 mentioned. It's real, but there are things that can help. Also, it takes a while for your brain to catch up to your body, so just be patient, but do a little research. It may help you.
  • Yeah, not sure about eating leafy green vegetables in the evenings. I was going to say that suddenly adding these could cause gas and bloating, but you said you haven't yet, so what has changed in your daily eating recently? This is where logging food and a diary are important. You can refer back and maybe see what caused…
    in Help Comment by BZAH10 August 2023
  • Watermelon and plums from the local farms.
  • Same! Particularly this time of year. For me I like a bit of sea salt and balsamic vinegar. OP, what about tofu? Have to experimented with it? The texture is quite different, but if prepared properly, it is filling and much cheaper than meat.
  • You deserve a round of applause and a standing ovation! Well, much more than that, but there's only so much one can do on a message board. Your post is very insightful, inspiring, and has amazing facts and tips that all of us can learn from. Congratulations! Thank you for taking the time to post this.
  • Congratulations! What an AMAZING accomplishment! I'm sorry to hear about your long-term health issues, but you sound like you have a very positive attitude. Can you contact your physical therapist about where to start? Otherwise, I'd just try searching YouTube with the search words for your specific disease and see if…
  • I hope you take the time to read these two great responses so far! They are both very true and very helpful. Do NOT waste your time and energy hating yourself. Be grateful for what your body can do for you right now and start taking care of it. Go for a short walk outside. Be grateful that your body is able to do that.…
    in Help. Comment by BZAH10 August 2023
  • Interesting thought, but I don't think it's the penmanship, specifically. Maybe more like, you didn't like something about yourself, you made a change, and you feel better with the result. Maybe it's a boost of self-confidence?
    in Penmanship Comment by BZAH10 August 2023
  • Exactly! I presume you brush your teeth regularly. It's not like we go to the dentist, get a clean bill of health and then stop brushing. Then we end up with multiple cavities or worse and then start brushing again. Healthy diet and activity are the same. We take care of our health because we're adults and that's what we…
  • Could it possibly have something to do with the dog that isn't neutered? That was my first thought.
  • Agree 100%! I'm an avid walker. Sometimes I speed walk, sometimes I hike, but regardless of the pace, walking is still the best and most enjoyable exercise for me. I do lift regularly for strength and because it's good for me, but I enjoy walking (out in nature!) much more.
  • Wow! Amazing what you've accomplished in one year. Beautiful!
  • Depends on what kinds of food you like. If you give us more details, then maybe we can make other suggestions. Also, I've learned that if you don't like your vegetables completely soft, put in whatever meat first and then just almost cover with water and season. Then set the vegetables (particularly potatoes) on top. They…
  • Oh no! Those are the worst kind of injuries! Hope it heals quickly.
    in Walk Comment by BZAH10 August 2023
  • Variety of both routines and exercises is important to avoid overuse injuries. I know, I've been known to find something I like and then do the same thing every day until it gets to be too much, usually with walking. Walking 2 hours per day EVERY day is too much. I enjoy it, but it's not good for my knees and feet, so I've…
  • G Grandma bod.
  • Definitely prefer to workout alone, however, I also love the gym atmosphere. I do my own workout, but I enjoy all the other people there and the variety of activities. I don't personally interact with anyone (short chat here and there, of course), but I still feed off of their energy. Sometimes an empty gym is nice, but I…
  • I've done that at home at times I couldn't get to the gym for whatever reason. It does help get steps and increase the heart rate, but it also works your legs differently than the treadmill, I've noticed. I also do it while watching TV in the evenings sometimes.
  • Very interesting fact about canned tuna. Thanks for sharing! I usually buy the store brand, so now I'm going to go home and check the labels! I'll keep track of the numbers for a few months and compare whenever I buy more. I too would be impressed if the labels were updated to reflect the changing nutritional information.
  • Since it's currently summer where I am and HOT, my lunch prep on the weekend involves a head of leaf lettuce, a container of grape tomatoes, a small brick of either feta or blue cheese and a varying source of protein, sometimes tuna or chicken, but this week it was Hurst's Hambeens 15 bean soup. I soak the beans for a few…
  • I just wanted to say thank you for mentioning this! I listened to it on Friday on the treadmill and it was great! Will be listening again today on the elliptical. Saturday and Sunday mornings I walk outside and only listen to the beautiful sounds of nature.