

  • I think you definitely have the right attitude Lou05!! You just have to stick with trying your best and not revert to old habits. I was on a total plateau for the past month since starting this challenge so missed out last week updating... And now this past week the scale is finally starting to move a bit as am down almost…
  • Well, first weigh-in day I think? Sadly my scales have not moved at all, but I guess that is better than gaining. But still really disheartnening as I have been getting in exercise on a regular basis. So like you, LSRB, I think I need to work on what I am eating instead of just staying within calories (which i have been).…
  • It's so great to hear all your thoughts/experiences with level 2 everyone...was sat here debating whether to carry on today as am a bit sore from starting yesterday, but you've all given me the motivation I needed! Thanks :happy: Am actually really looking forward to seeing it through and getting to level 2 now. So that's…
  • Hello there...am a bit late, but have only joined this site today. What a great idea - Can I join in, too, please? :smile: Having motivation like this challenge would be fab! I am originally from Michigan but now living in Scotland with my husband. And have gained about 20lbs since moving here, so now looking to lose…
  • Hello everyone! Am a bit late to the game for April, having just found this site, but hope you won't mind my joining in.. I've tried and loved 30-day shred before, but have only ever managed to do it a few times in a row before stopping for long periods. Always felt great results in that short time span though, so really…