McCoeliacs Member


  • Thank you for the offer, basically any kind of normal cake recipe like cupcakes or chocolate sponge. I used to always make the kids devil food cake on their birthdays because they love it but making it with the gf flour seems to leave it oily and flat (and also the base on cupcakes tends to stick to the paper, it's really…
  • You have just given me more information in one post then my dietician gave me in 4 weeks! Thank you that really does clear up SO many questions I had and It's really good to know I can still eat out, I was putting that one off. Sometimes when you tell someone you have coeliacs they look at you like your making it up or…
  • I forgot to ask, do you know what types of flour are best for cakes, bread, savoury etc. I have been told that they all come out differently and only some are suitable for sweet and others savoury. I loved baking with the kids but I haven't done it since diagnosis so I would be really appreciative if you could point me in…
  • Thank you for all the advice! Yes I am based in the UK, I think they are only just coming to terms with gluten free foods here! :) I like the idea of making a wrap out of lettuce though, I would never have thought of that! I know oats don't agree with me and nor does full fat milk but mild cheese or skimmed milk seem to be…