suerop Member


  • One trick to good tasting coffee is to make sure your coffee brewer is clean, The build up of stuff can make a good coffee get bitter. Also, try a flavored coffee. There are lots out there. I like hazelnut, but during the fall season I enjoy the pumpkin spice flavor. I use the little single serving coffee creamer pods. The…
  • Absolutely! Log that as exercise! I think I was also over estimating the amount of calorie burn for my walks, so I found a simple, fairly inexpensive wrist heart rate monitor that would tell me what I was getting my heart rate up to, plus show my calorie burn for it. I found a MIO on sale for less than half price. It…
  • It's easier to get hooked up with a bag of Oreos, so....... maybe?
  • Try to remember, you may not be seeing as much actual weight loss as you would like, but you should be seeing improvement in your body, such as better muscle tone. Don't let the scale create havoc in your body and life.
  • Excellent progress! You look great! Keep it up and don't get discouraged about the scale. You're right, your body is changing.
  • @ Whierd: Why the sarcasm? Just say it if you disagree, but you don't have to insinuate that the people posting here need to *kitten* and get it out of their systems. :frown:
  • Give yourself some space in your food diary for a snack. I find that if I have something with a little zing for my taste buds later, like a nice garlic pickle, it helps. Just watch your sodium intake. Also, try munching on raw veggies. they offer the crunch and chewing I crave, but the calories don't add up as quickly. I…
  • Yes, and It's horrible. It's the wheat. Read the book "Wheat Belly" and you'll understand what today's wheat is doing to us as a nation. The wheat today is not anything like the wheat from, say, the 1950's. It's been processed, reprocessed, and over processed. It's been changed so that it will yield a bigger crop, and will…