

  • Hey there! Sounds like you have a busy enough lifestyle as it is! I'm a nursing student too! (Although not for long hopefully) So I can relate to how busy life on the wards are and how stressful it can be! I'm trying to get into the way of making healthier meals in one day for the rest of the week. Then it's a case of…
  • Hey there! Congratulations on deciding to lose weight! :D that's fantastic! I am trying to maintain a healthy lifestyle. I want to lose around 7 pounds and tone up. I find that my eating habits are not the greatest so I'm trying to find healthier ways of making food and would be happy to compare notes :) Good luck
  • Hey there, I am also new and would be happy to support you :) I work in a highly stressful environment too, although because it is a hospital I am on my feet all the time rushing around everywhere so I feel exhausted when I come home and don't feel like working out. I think the best thing to do in relation to working late…