

  • If you've read the books, you would know that everyone is intolerant. Some just handle it better and don't notice because it's something they've always eaten and have never stopped so they don't know what it feels like to feel their best. I am not sure how it's 'preachy' when it's science and facts. How can something (our…
  • "What Foods Should I Avoid? Excessive consumption of high-glycemic carbohydrates is the primary culprit in nutritionally caused health problems. High glycemic carbohydrates are those that raise blood sugar too rapidly. They include rice, bread, candy, potato, sweets, sodas, and most processed carbohydrates. Processing can…
  • Processed food is anything that's from a box, bag or in the center of the store. To be safe, stick to fruit and veggies from the produce section, lean, grass fed meats and wild caught fish. Nuts and seeds that have shells can be protection from the processing. Good Luck!
  • It's wonderful. I eat paleo and this isone of our favorite treats! The coconut taste is very light. Especially with the chocolate.