Hi! Add me as well!! Always looking for encouraging people as friends!! :)
Hi ladies!! I hope you all don't mind but I want to friend request you all as well. :) I am brand new to this group and My Fitness Pal. I EBF my 15 week old son, and he is baby #2 for me. My first son will be 3 years old in August. I am totally finding it harder to shed these last few pounds this time around. :( Would love…
Hi! I am new to this group as well and also EBF my son who is 3.5 months. Born 3/8/2014. He is also my second boy. :) I am totally noticing that the weight is not coming off nearly as fast as my first son. :( I'm looking for friends and support to keep me motivated and to help others. I will friend request you! :)…
This sounds amazing! Can't wait to try it!