AEisele Member


  • Has your oppinion changed just because of the test? A good marriage is based on bendability not so much compatability. You learn to give more than you take and change when needed. With good communication and shared spiritual goals, you'll be fine. Remember ; Two are better than one.......and a three fold cord can not be…
  • To: Raleigh, NC I have lived in Youngsville, NC now for the past 21 years TO those from MA: my heart is in New England! I was born and raised in Quincy MA. and lived the first 10 years of my marriage in North Attalboro. GO PATS ALL THE WAY!!!!:drinker:
  • Wow ladies, had a great day at the NC Kolman Race for the cure. There was one woman who is a 40 yr survivor!!!! We also had at least 4 men this year. Yes, men can get breast cancer too. Sometimes we forget about them. The whole day was so awsome and encouraging. One of our girls is going through radiation but she still…
  • Hi Maxine, I had modified rad mx of rt with lymph node disection. I didn't expect to be so emotional about it but I was. Then I did 28 rounds of Rad. It rough but doable. I found I gained during radiation because I was less contious of drinking my water, I'm taking Femara right now. I've been on it for a little over a…
  • Madmas71: your almost done! That's great! Do you have anything after chemo? I've been sick this week with some kind of virus. I felt as bad as I did chemo week on A/C.....I hate that. Cloudy, and the nurlastra shot coused body pain. Well this time it wasn't chemo kicken my butt. I don't know what it was. Then I broke out…
  • Thanks for all the great ideas! I'm ready to face next weekend!
  • To Lisa Marie: taking a proactive approuch is great! I have encouraged both my daughters to take their health serious. But also remember, just because your Mom had it doesn't automaticly mean you will. Just the same, keep diligent watch and be your own health advicate. My prayer is that very soon NO ONE will ever go…
  • I have been the queen of headaches. Everything sets them off. I did find I really have to drink alot of water when I work out and i also have been taking 400mg of B2(rivoflaven) daily. It really helps alot. But the water is a the biggest part. Hugs, Alice
  • Deffinately want to keep this thread going. Hope all is going well with you Liz. My family is getting ready to do the Kolmen race June 11th. It's the 15th anniversary for Kolman Raleigh chapter. It's going to be great to do it with the whole family and what a great way to get our exercise that day. We can do this and we…
  • Daily weighing is discouraging, Better to focus on eating healthy and weigh only once or twice a week. Focus on how you feel.
  • Hi Girls. Just came across this. How's everyone doing. I am soooo looking forward to the day i get on the scale and the numbers are under 200. I seem to be stuck right now going between 270-275. I just keep going up and down. I'm seeing a nutritionist next month. Hopefully when she looks at my food log she'll catch…
  • looks like I did real good. I drank my water, I went to the gym 5 days, and I lost. I'm pleased.
  • Sounds good. I think I'm gonna get it. I love the classes but I'm not always able to make it. It would be nice to have something I can follow here at home. thanks everyone!
    in ZUMBA Comment by AEisele May 2011
  • I was diagnosed with IDC stage 3 in 2009. I would really love to have support from fellow survivors. I was hormone positive so I'm on Femera for at least 4 more years. It is making weightloss a real challenge. I have to loose at least 100lb before they will do reconstruction. (i live as an amozone worrier right now) Anyone…
  • Wow that does look good!
  • Hi everyone, Doing better with my water dirking and i have been working out everyday so far. I have last a small amount. Hope it shows better later on. I have lost some inches. So that's good. Hope everyone is doing well!
  • While you were sick your body retains fluid as a protection against dehydration.
  • When is the last time you had a good physical. There are a lot of things that can work against you. If you have low iron that can make you tired. if you suffer from depression, that can make you tired. If your not getting enough protien rich food, that can make you tired. If your taking any kind of medication, they can be…
  • Ok ladies, I need to be on board this week. I accept the challenge. My goals are 1. drink 8 glasses of water everyday 2. exercise at least 5 out of the 7 day's 3. stay under my calorie for each day 4. loose 2 lb. Let's go! We can do this! Yes we can!
  • It can be discouraging at times. But never give up! focus on being healthier instead of just weight. The calories are a part of it but where and when you get the calaries is also important. My doctor gave me a great thing to help me remember what's best to eat. Fruit, veggies, fins, and feathers. The closer to it's…
    in a little sad Comment by AEisele May 2011
  • Well, I was able to go to a two parties and stay away for the cake! I think I might be making progress. I didn't miss it at all. I just had to remind myself that I see my doctor in July and I don't want to take more meds. It really does take alot of self talk. And sometimes you have to shut out the voices of well intended…
  • Well I've lost about 24lb from my heaviest point, and about 14lb since i started MFP. I'm starting to see a slight difference and i have had some people notice. I still think they are just humering me. Oh well. Still a long way to go.
  • Good Morning All, Vicki I learned my triggers too, Caffine of course was a big one and yes salsa. I have an added glitch in that I'm taking an Femerra to prevent a recurance of Breast Cancer and it also increases the menepausal symptoms because it suppresses all estregine in my body. But the good new is I also had to go on…
  • Love it! I ready to get smarter
  • This ones easy and a fave of my family; I start with butter ball turkey smoked sausage. I take one each of a red, yellow, and green pepper and slice them for stir frying, Then i slice a onion and some carrots (julian still) Sometimes I add cabbage or what ever other vegg I have. To prepare; saute the veggies in a pan until…
  • I can truely understand exhausted. With Cancer treatment you loose all your energy and it has taken 2 years and still i don't have it back completely. First, I find having a banana before working out helps. Then, I vary my exercise. Some day's I feel more energetic so I do more, but on day's when I'm tired i settle for a…
    in Energy!! Comment by AEisele May 2011
  • On to a new week! Hope it's a great week for everyone. I started it of with a nice walk around my Dad's neighborhood. It is such a pretty day here. Life is what you make of it so let's live the best life we can!
  • This really is a loaded question. Self image is a hard one. Sometimes it takes a long time to really see yourself as thin. That's why there are so many people fighting eating disorders. But then there are others who are able to see it right away. I'm not in the later group. It usually takes me 20 or 30 lb before I really…
  • I agree vicki, I would hate to miss out on the company of friends over food. I usually offer to bring something that I know I can have. Friends understand that i have to be careful about what I eat and they don't have a problem with it.
  • I love MFP. I use it on my phone and that really does make it so great because I know exactly were I'm at. Feel free to add me as a friend. I'm in this for the long haul!