My son is 4 now. I didn't do much for weight loss until after his 2nd birthday. I just took my time. You are way better off than I was. Although, my bf didn't make comments to me like yours has. I don't know what I would have done if he had said something like that 4 months after having a baby. It took 9 months get your…
Yeah, I think it is just something in our DNA that makes us always compare to others and never truly be happy, well, most of us anyways. Regardless, I love my green/hazel eyes as well. One of my favorite things of myself. And my shoulders. Weird, I know.
That is a good idea, giving him something special to do only when I'm working out. Only wish I had more room in our house for that to happen. I would say I could let him play Wii, but my living room has the Wii adn only area big enough to workout in. =) He's too small for computer time yet. Hmmmm, there has to be something.
Agreed, sleep has taken a big hit in my quest for losing this weight and getting healthy. I know it isn't heathy to not get much rest, but there really just isn't enough time in a day, is there?
Yes, I have an hour lunch, but with it having been so HOT lately, I didn't wanna walk outside and come back smelling all sweaty and gross. =) As for at home, no, no stationary bike or treadmill. I just do work out videos after my son is asleep, or we will take walks together. I am hoping to start doing more. Maybe nightly…
I am lucky to get in 50 - 60 min DVDs, much less 2 hours. I see people doing that, and it amazes me!
Thanks for all the responses. I hope to get on the computer tomorrow at work to send some friend requests. It is hard on the cell. :)
Congrats on teh 75 lbs lost, that's a great accomplishment
. Oh my, 11 months to 22 months, ha ha, I think I'd have to hop a plane and help you more than myself. =)
. Wow, that's crazy. I thought that was supposed to be pregnancy proof. Just goes to show. =)
This is true, he does want to workout with me, but our area to workout is so small we end up on each other. =) Fun, but not effective. =)
Hating the mommy guilt. And my son always says he wants to workout with me, but there is just no way. I hate to say it, but he gets in the way when we try to do that. =) I love that he wants to do it with me, but the workout just isn't as effective. =)
Agreed. THe hardest part is starting. Once I am doing it, I find it hard to stop before whatever DVD I'm doing is done. I guess that's the good thing. Just gotta start more. =)
Thanks for the response. Yeah, it is hard. I dont have a gym membership either. Lots of videos are my go to. Easy to pop in, just gotta have the motivation to press play.
I am trying to lose my preg weight still, 4 yrs later. I leave the howuse a 7 to get my son to school and me to work, dont get home til around 615 or 630. Then I gotta make dinner because my son is ravenous. Then, gotta play because son wont let me workout or read when he is awake. So a lot of the time I dont get to begin…
That is what I would like to know. I will keep reading. :)
I may just have to try this, even though I'm not huge meat fan. But, it is nice having a low carb option to pizza.
I apologize, I'm new to posts on here. What does "bump" mean?
Where do you go to get the batteries replaced in these things? Or can you possibly do it yourself?
Thank you for your advice. I do apologize, I didn't even think to check for other postings, I just posted it real quick to get a quick response. I do just need it to accurately calculate my calories burned, so I don't over-estimate and then over eat, so I can continue to lose some weight. Thanks again guys!
OK. Printing off right now. Sounds so delicious. Can't wait to try it!