

  • I think my best motivation comes from within myself when I can find it. Other than that I love reading all of the positive ways my MFP friends are moving forward. My husband is my biggest cheerleader and I see how hard he works, it makes me want to work harder as well!
  • Hello! I would love to join. My German isn't the greatest so I will write in English. I need some motivation and friends to get me past this bump. I eat pretty well during the week and then comes the weekend and an unhappy Monday morning. Happy Tuesday!
  • tildastwisted- I am so impressed with what you have done. I have been very up and down during this time. Your dedication has inspired me to keep on keepin' on! Thanks!
  • Hi catcow888! I'm sorry you had a hard week. I've been there before too. You have been so motivating with your posts, logging in for 45 days and exercising really hard. Just remember this is a lifestyle not a diet. You are making changes that will be with you for the rest of your life. I hope you feel great about all of…
  • Don't eat the brownie! Eat the salmon. It is so healthy for you and your brain. If you're anything like me, there will probably be lots of desserts to eat over the holiday weekend. And I would have the wine too. Great for your heart health. but like you said you do have your WW flex points, so use those for the brownie, if…
  • Wow Tatyanne- You've really set some goals for yourself. Thanks for sharing that is very motivating and inspires me to get my act together. Today I did a 20 minute interval workout by Cindy Whitmarsh. It was good. I hope others write in so we can get more updates.
  • Wow I realize that it won't be long and I'll be on my vacation. I've been exercising and for the most part eating right, but it is my husband's birthday today and we usually celebrate all week. Celebration always involves cake and ice cream or eating out. It's time to focus and commit to myself about what I want to…
  • I've lost count of what day I'm on, but I think posting every day really helps, so Manc Lass I'm in too. This weekend, we celebrated my husband's birthday with carrot cake and tiramisu. Both were delicious and I'm up some today, but I feel a new sense of commitment and this morning I did Shaun T 25 cardio and tonight I'm…
  • Today I noticed that a size medium blouse that I'd recently worn and was uncomfortably tight, now fits looser and more comfortably today, yeah! This morning I did a Shaun T hip hop abs workout that must be very old because he looks so young. It was pretty easy, but I still got in 30 minutes of low impact cardio. Later on a…
  • Hello All- Today I did the Jackie Warner Power Circuit Training DVD and then I did about 5 minutes of Shaun T25 cardio, but then realized that I needed to eat breakfast and start getting ready for work. I seem to lose weight very slowly, but I know as I continue with my exercise I will be better and be able to increase my…
  • I'm glad to see more people writing in and sharing their details. Very motivational!! Sunday I went on a long walk and mowed the lawn, Monday I did Shaun T 25 minutes cardio and this morning I did 40 minutes of strength training with my Jari Love Ripped & Chiseled DVD. This workout focuses quite a bit on the arms / back…
  • Hey FlyersGirlrc- you maintained and that in and of itself is a victory!
  • Well slow and steady does it. I'm finally down 3 lbs. My biggest downfalls are the weekends, I end up gaining the weight I lost and then I have to kick butt over the next week to get back to where I was. I hope everyone else is doing well and I hope people come back to our group. :flowerforyou:
  • Hello All- This weekend did not go as well as I had hoped. Not enough exercise and too much to eat. But I'm not giving up. I need to get enough sleep too. If I don't have enough sleep, then I don't want to exercise. Arrrgh! I know all of this, but I seem to keep repeating the same mistakes.
  • This morning I did the Shaun T alpha abs workout. I liked it ok. I'm planning on taking a walk later. Here's to a portion controlled healthy eating weekend! Ha! MancLass- That's a great idea about the Jillian workouts, but remember to set achievable goals so that you are a success! I learned that when I was in WW meetings.…
  • Happy Day! I'm back to my weight before I went to California! My friend said that she does not weigh herself the day following a flight because of water retention, etc. I have to agree with her, but I have worked out every day this week and I'm back to healthy eating, so I'm going to give me some credit too :-) This…
  • Hi fabulousmo! This morning (as most mornings) I had steel cut oatmeal with frozen wild blueberries and almond butter and I add a cup of green tea. I eat a lot of the same things and it does get boring. I have been adding in a grande skinny mocha from SBUX for fun! This morning I did the Shaun T25 Total Body Workout. It…
  • Hello~ This morning I did the Shaun T25 1.0 workout. It was hard and this afternoon I went for a 21 minute walk outside. I want to get more activity into my day but it is hard not to feel tied to my desk when I am at work. I need to have a better plan for my days.
  • MancLass thanks for the encouragement! fabulousmo~ I'm perimenopausal too. Ugh. No wonder it's called "The Change." Today I went for a short walk on break and this morning I did the Shaun T25 cardio workout!! It felt great to workout and I was able to more closely keep up with Shaun and the others since I've started doing…
  • I just got back from a week-long visit to California and bummer of bummers I gained my 2 1/2 lbs back. I'm ready to get back on track. I walked for 60 minutes yesterday with a friend and today I mowed the front and back lawn. Today I've had lots of healthy food such as salmon, broccoli, butternut squash, apple, watermelon.…
  • Good Morning!! I just weighed and I'm down 2.2!! Good Luck everybody ;-)
  • Hi Everyone~ This morning I did Mari Windsor Pilates 20 minute work out. It felt really great to stretch, but I'm sure I didn't burn enough calories. I've already calculated all my calories for the day and I am over. It looks like I need to save myself some $$money and quit buying…
  • Hi Everyone! This morning I did about 30 minutes of the DVD Jari Love Get Ripped Slim and Lean. I really like Jari and find her very motivating. I got in a short walk at lunch and hope to walk again tonight. I don't have a specific weight loss goal for the next…
  • Hi sacaguia~ I am in the same way. I realized that even if I worked out and ate well for, say 6 mos or a year, it all comes down to taking it day by day. Hang in there and keep getting up early to exercise and I will do the same!!
  • Hi All! This morning I did T25 cardio and at lunch I got outside and walked for 25 minutes! It feels good to be exercising again :-) How is everyone else doing?
  • Hi urdollface! I like Green & Black's dark chocolate 70% cocoa. It tastes great, but do watch your servings. If you can manage that, it is a nice little, good for you snack. I also like to eat popcorn in the evening because I can eat a lot of it! Sometimes it's about volume ;-)
  • Hello! This morning I did the The Firm Total Body Toner DVD workout. Here is their online description: Total Body Toner, a sculpting workout, will increase your fat-free body mass and rev up your metabolism. Pump some iron with The FIRM Master Instructor Allie Del Rio Pointer in this innovative series of muscle…
  • Great idea! My husband and I and my in laws are meeting up in Rome in about 12 weeks. I just joined this website yesterday, so this is a perfect time for a goal like this. Thanks for setting it up and I can't wait to hear what others are doing for fitness and exercise.