MHoxworth Member


  • Yoplait light yogurt. Has protein, potassium, no fat and only 100 calories. Tastes great and there are a million flavors! And makes you feel full.
  • Jen those pictures show an amazing difference. I am so proud of you! You do awesome at your eating. It gives me inspiration when I get off track. :o) Although I refuse to eat tuna lol and you eat a lot of that! :o)
  • I had that problem today - a birthday party. OMG - once I ate too much, I said, heck with it, and went back for 2nds! Ahhhh! I CANT DO THAT! I guess at least I am aknowleding that I am doing wrong. For so many years, I would just eat and never think about it. I just ate anything and everything. So even though I had a bad…