GraceByMySide Member


  • Love it!! Excellent response! Don't give up on you!! Resolve the shame issue before trying to make any forward movement! Without self-love and authentic pride in who you are on the inside, you will NEVER like what you look like on the outside. No doctor wants to fight self-loathing. We make it hard enough on them,…
  • Congratulations!!! It will fly by!! I was really disappointed at first when I had to wait the 6 months for insurance. "I want what I want and I want it NOW" has always been my attitude, especially around either eating food or weight loss!! I had to unlearn those desires for immediate gratification and take in a more "slow…
  • My doctor said RNY in theory is reversible because nothing has been removed. I doubt that the plumbing would work well though, if they tried. Sleeve is definitely NOT reversible: once they take the 80% of the stomach out, it is gone forever although, I guess they could make a RNY of it.
  • You are so right about the gallon size drinks, not to mention the huge buckets of popcorn. I always bring a protein bar in case I get hungry, but I scoped out the snacks just to see what was there and there was really nothing much there that I could have worked with, except maybe a hot dog if I skipped the bun, but it…
    in NSV Comment by GraceByMySide June 2014
  • Wow!!! What a beautiful story!! You're definitely an inspiration!! And even more than that, your selfie isn't in the bathroom!!! Double congrats!! :laugh:
  • That's terrific!!! Great job and attitude!!!! :drinker:
  • Yay!!!!!! That has GOT to be a great feeling!!! They are so uncomfortable! At least the armrest lifted where you go!! Ours are made smaller by the gallon size cup holder on each side. Gee, I wonder why people end up overweight!! LOL Thanks for the inspiration, today!! ~Emma
    in NSV Comment by GraceByMySide June 2014
  • I took two weeks. I'm in the middle of that right now. I think that after another day, I'm going to wish I went back sooner!!! I'm doing fun things and feel a little guilty for taking "sick time"... LOL
  • I mentioned the Ibuprofen, assuming you were having VSG, as this board seems more focused on VSGers... :happy:
  • I was told that I needed a chewable vitamin the rest of my life. Our stomachs do not have enough of the acid/enzyme necessary to break down the coating on coated tablets and they just go right through. We really need the B vitamins!!! I've been having trouble with the vitamins, too. I dread taking them!! They taste gross…
  • I just thought it was funny how compulsive we really are about getting on the scale. Why do we get on when we know we will be up, and not for food reasons? I forced myself to wait until today- 5 days out. I was down 4 pounds or so, and I'm considering that a huge gift, considering my insides are still in shock!!! LOL. Keep…
  • Congratulations and WHO CARES?????? It's freakin' WATER, not fat!!!!! It will go away once your body modifies, again! Then you'll drop like a rock and be happy!!!! Be happy, anyway!! :happy: I just cut my HCTZ down to 12.5. That's what they were giving me in the hospital and I'm sticking with it. Losing just 20 lbs has…
  • Way to go, MyOwnSunshine!!!!!!!!!
  • Ahhhhhh, so you DID get on!!!! LMAO!!!
  • Sometimes, partners feel threatened by our weight loss, too. Has he been supportive of your attempts at weight loss before? Often there are feelings of, "will she still love me when she loses weight". There are some very real cases of marriages that go south due to insecurities with this level of weight loss. "What happens…
  • Yes, I think generally. He waits until his patients can drink 4-6 oz CONSISTENTLY every hour. Once that is established, he releases us. I think as long as that is happening, it can be 1 day or 3 days... It all depends on our new tummies... :wink:
  • Great point, Brenda!! I actually started my liquid the day before my birthday!! That kind of sucked!! LOL So, I said, "I'm going to celebrate it in July, instead!" BIG mistake!!! Celebrating is about US, it's about other people and being happy to be together!!! That was a big lesson to learn!! I kept myself from being…
  • My wonderful Dr. told me at least 64 oz of water and 60 grams of protein at the beginning. Anything between 60 and 100 is great, he said. Now, to actually get that down is a trick. I'm 3 days out and am having some difficulty, too. We'll get through it!!! I'm a dig my heals in and say no kind of girl. I have to tell her to…
  • Brenda- If you want to know anything, just ask!!! I was fairly nervous, and at the point of being prepped for surgery went through a lot of different emotions/thoughts. If I can be of any help as you get closer, I'm here!! :smile:
  • I hope all goes well!! Yes, call the Dr., if nothing else, to ease your own mind and NO MORE PRANKS until you're fully healed! Get the go ahead from the doc to pull them. They must be something to see!!! LOL Seriously, Feel Better Soon!!!! ~E
  • It all went great!!! I'd be very happy to share my story, but I've written a bunch and am going to take a little nap!! If you want more info, I'll post later or friend me and I'll share whatever I can!!! ~Emma
  • I just got home today!!! Yay!!! I took- too much!! Too many books (read about 4 pages), 2 nighties (didn't wear either one, stayed in my sweats), protein supplement that they suggested I take, just to have something I knew I liked, and my info binder (which I never touched). What I did take that I'm glad I had- my iPod and…
  • LOL... Grace is my dog. She happened to by on the couch next to me when all my other attempts at a user name came up empty... LOL Yeah. I like it... :happy:
  • Big Flower Syndrome!! THAT is GREAT!!!! And sadly, so true!!!!! Soon to be BSF no more!!!! :happy:
    in NSV! Comment by GraceByMySide May 2014
  • Oh, believe me!! I do more than my share of praying!!! :happy: It's all good. It was a quick hit, then done. Of course, I can't speak for tomorrow.... LOL
  • I am soooooooo excited to have these experiences!! I know just losing the pre-op weight, I 'm fitting into clothes that a month ago were a little sketchy... LOL. Congrats, and Yay for US!!!! :drinker:
    in NSV! Comment by GraceByMySide May 2014
  • LOL... That's pretty much what I did. Had a 2 minute cry, then got busy. I went and got myself some awesome headphones so I could have my music, etc at the hospital, got an oil change, picked up stuff from the store and did some laundry, too. I still have to pack up my stuff so, I'll be busy tonight. I'm just not excited…
  • Hi! Getting sleeved May 28th!! Getting a little nervous....
  • That is great advice!! My sleeve will be done in 3 days, and I'm beginning to get a bit anxious!! This helps!! :smile:
  • Thanks for all the replies!! I use a pillow already, but maybe a splurge on a body pillow this weekend might be a good idea!!! :happy: