Hi I am new to the 50+group because it just turned 50 in Jan. I am finding it really hard to lose weight (not that I am that over weight ) I need to lose about 25-30 lbs and don't want to gain any more. I am by no means a bad eater and I love to be active but I have to it just dosn't seem to come off like it use to. Thanks…
I total agree becuse as soon as you start eating again you will start to gain that wait back. Don't go under 1200 calories because that is what your body needs just to function threw out the day
You have to be careful because your body will sometime think you are straving and will hold onto all the energy it can. If you are working out with weights that will help you burn more calories too. Becuause the musel needs more energy and it will keep burning it and you will lose fat faster and keep it off.:smile:
When you know it is right for you. When you find a mate that you can be yourselves around have fun and you will know who you met that person that you want to spend the rest of your life together.
HI I see from your picture you have a new baby. R you breast feeding, If you are that weight will come so easily. When I was brestfeeting I was 30 lbs over weight the whole time I was feeding and the month that I stopped I lost the 30 lbs just like that. I thought I am doing this for my baby she needs my milk to grow and…
All those cereals are full of sugar and carbs with makes you crave even more sugars and carbs. High Protien breakfest is the best and then you are not craving suger by mid day
Add a little honey or lemon to it. Also there is lots of flavored green teas that are taste really good. kind of fruity