

  • Sorry to hear about your weekend, bu good to know I am not the only one! I am feeling like crap this am because i cheated a few too many times this weekend! I was too scared to weigh this am! I guess I am going to have to put a muzzle on over the weekends :) My prob is i was like "hey, i've lost 6 lbs so i DESERVE to eat…
  • Hey if there are any other nursing moms out there wondering about the diet, go here: 3rd row down on far right he answers questions about nursing. Dr. Mike himself says "the diet doesn't really change the body in such a way that it can't nurse or it affects nursing."…
  • You are right, it is not recommended for nursing moms. I guess i chose to ignore the rule even though i know it's there for a reason. He's only nursing at nap time and bed time so compared to 6+ times/day i figured it'd be okay, esp if i made sure to meet my calories for the day. (which is nearly impossible on this diet) I…
  • Okay girls, I'm on day 3 of cycle 1 and literally can not MOVE. I am sooo drained i barely had the energy to make myself something to eat, let alone chase my kids so I am thinking about going ahead and starting cycle 2. I have lost almost 5 lbs in the last 2 days so i KNOW it's working but wow. I am still nursing my 9…
  • Well, I've gotten most of day 1 whipped without giving in to any cravings! I didn't get my 2nd fruit in before 2, so not sure how that will effect me. But surprisingly i haven't been that hungry at all...I love that we get as much protein as we want! Veggies are gonna be hard so I think tonight I'm gonna buy a blender and…
  • Good job! The part about the love handles dissapearing, that's what has motivated me to get in touch with jillian again. THanks for the posts, everyone I really wanna try sticking with it this time. (embarassingly, i've never gotten past day 5 b/c i let other things take priority) With 3 kids, it's hard to find TIME but…
  • Thanks for the great idea, i'm trying to figure out how i'm going to choke down fruit when i start and this might actually work ;)
  • Congratulations! Why did you skip cycle one? I would be happy just losing 10-12 lbs but like you, inches are more impt than weight. What would you suggest?
  • Congratulations! Why did you skip cycle one? I would be happy just losing 10-12 lbs but like you, inches are more impt than weight. What would you suggest?
  • bump! I am so buying this book tonight when i go to wal-mart. Only one question....there are only a few fruits and veggies I can eat without gagging, do you think I can get by on just lots of the same things or is it pretty specific, like "you MUST eat celery at this meal and an orange at this meal"? Also, can you exercise…