

  • Thank you all for your replies they ar very much appreciated. Its difficult to get my head round but the idea of losing slowly and doing strength training does make sense. How long it will take is scary for me but I do understand that if I never start I can never get to my goal. It just seems so impossible to me that I…
  • I am unemployed at the moment so I can't afford a trainer although I can get access to my local gym (government subsidy for those on benefits makes it cheaper). However personal training is not covered and is very expensive. I am not so fit right now so mostly I have just been going (when I do go) and walking on the…
  • I have a real issue accepting the possibility of loose skin it fills me with such horror that often I think I would rather be fat. I know that is stupid and that I need to lose weight for my health but its just this massive mental and emotional block for me.
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