

  • 2 stone is a big success! Well done, I'm struggling to shift a stone, so good on you! :smiley:
  • Time lock?! I NEED THIS! Where do I get one from? I don't feel like I'm ready to say yes yet, need to build up some self control if I have 1 or 2 today it will soon turn to 4 or 5 or 6 o7 haha
  • Great website! Thanks!
  • I don't think it's an excuse, it's an extra challenge! Hopefully the more we try, the motivation comes along naturally.. we can dream! ha
  • YES! We so should! Last time, I kept my diary closed and didn’t really bother with the community part, but after having a read today I really wish I did! I’ve opened my diary, so feel free to have a look, not that it’s anything too spectacular! Haha I’m the same with meal planning, I’m finding it hard especially With my…