ema192 Member


  • I feel exactly the same, I get so stressed I can't focus again loose all motivation that and a boyfriend and daughter who can eat and it has no effect is so frustrating!!
  • Good for you and good luck!! x
  • I cant wait to feel my sexy self again, we r having a dreadfull time of late if its not him tired its me feeling very self concious and unattractive :-( Good for you guys though nice to see some people are getting it :-)
  • anything that i shouldnt have! crisps especially kids ones i.e monster munch, wotsits, loveeee chocolate any form, cakes, sweets you name it i love it ahhh no wonder im overweight!! I am trying tho just one bag a day :-)
  • Hi I have been on LevoThyroxine sine August 2008 with my dosage being increased every year. I lost 17lb on ww in six months in 2009 then last year put it all back on with an extra 10lb. I joined mfp and have lost 9lb so far but i am only eating 1200 calories a day and exercising at least 4 times a week. It is a constant…