For chafing there is body Glide and at most of you national retail stores they have something that is generic like chaf away and it works well and pretty cheap. For shin splints you can buy socks for it it is just a compression tube I bought mine at a running shoe store they were about 25 I think?? Yes they help!! Amazing…
Feel free to add me only been here about a month and have lost 12lbs so far with a lot to go still currently weighing in at 204 and am 5'3! I agree I need support as well it is hard but we can do this!!!
Hey there!! I have PCOS!! diagnosed at 15 and I am 28 now with 1 kiddo! We have tried to conceive again but with no luck this time! I have decided that I would lose some extra weight and we would try again. We tried for 3 yrs for our son! Currently to lose weight I am taking phentermine 30mg x1 daily and in the last 9 days…