caroldurham18 Member


  • Hello.I noticed your comment witch iam the same weight as u.I've have tried so many times I get depressed with my self but...I keep would be nice to have help from others &ideas I like your comment . hopefully we can courage each other
  • Hello iam new to this ..I been reading your posts of encouragement. iam 56yrs old ..just need some one to motivate me on.I just started drinking water . I was so use to drinking diets sodas..please feel free to ad me.I want to have more energy &feel better about myself.
  • Earthboundmiss,I'll be praying for u as iam my's not easy.but most inportand we,'ll be healthier&feel better good luck.iam here if I can help u with ideas of way s iam trying .it's been little over a week for me Good Luck
  • Iam new to the program.I was always making excuses. I would try mess up then.... Say Oo. ll start tomorrow.reading your journal has really inspired me to think postive ????ty
  • Hello.Lynn your not alone I started last week,really finding some success in the program.stay strong &KEEP Postive thoughts ????u can do this ..