

  • I agree with you. I think everyone has to make their own choices. It is working well for me. I see it as a short-term help to get my started and get me focused on healthier eating habits. So far, that is exactly what's happening to me. I have had no side effects at all, so I am fortunate. Good luck to you. Listen to your…
  • I have not had any side effects. The only thing I had to change was taking 1 pill a day, not 2. Taking 2 made it hard for me to go to sleep easily. I took 1 a day for one month, now I'm taking one every other day and the results are still the same. I on it now 6 weeks and am losing about 2lbs. a week. This is something you…
  • I started my plan on May 5 with about 150 to lose. I'm down about 20. I'm taking medication to help me retrain my brain away from cravings and so far it's working. The test will come to next month when I will have to be med free. I'm 66 and still working. I'm determined to be to a more normal weight before I retire. It is…
  • You are going to need a prescription. I've found the best price at Walmart: $114 for 30 pills, $230 for 60. It is a controlled substance so I don't know if you can get it from an online pharm.
  • For me, I always knew what I should be eating, but cravings and my entrenched bad habits seemed too hard to overcome. What this medication has done is to let me look at a can of Coke and not want it; to not want to go to a drive-thru. So, I can really decide to have fresh fruit for lunch, I can pass up the spaghetti and…
  • I can't say whether you are a responder since I am new with this med. I know that I don't have any cravings and I'm not hungry. I was a real cola addict, several cans a day. It was what always derailed my previous efforts to diet. I haven't had a coke for a month. I just shut up the "demons" in my head. Good luck on your…
  • I was able to feel the difference with Belviq the first day. What has been interesting is that if I skip a day, I am still getting some benefit with a serious drop in cravings and hunger without the pill.
  • I've been on Belviq for three weeks. My doctor said he would cycle me on and off as you can build a resistance to the drug - one months on and one off. In the three weeks, I've lost 12lbs. I've had no side effects, and I have no more cravings.