

  • thanks, mine blue part of bar was allways the same :( but , I manged to change it yesterday :), and it's 84 kcal down now this post here was helpfull, even with broken link : https://forums.garmin.com/showthread.php?90474-Vivofit-Calorie-Expenditure-Mess trick was to tell my band that my weight changed, for all that may…
  • hi, yes , I manually update my weight at GarminConnect - changes are saved and diplayed, but no change in BMR.
  • Hi ! I am a 40 yo living in Croatia. Have my vivofit for 40 days now, and loving it. You can add me, at Garmin Connect I'm aang http://connect.garmin.com/modern/profile/aang Q: since start of using vivofit I've lost 7 kg ( 15 lb) and my BMR is still the same as it was when I started. Shouldn't it be lower by now ?