bonniebgood Member


  • Count me in also. I want to lose 20 lbs. by July 10th, so maybe this will help with the motivation.
  • I lost a little over 60 pounds on WW 5 years ago, but like all things when I got cocky and thought I could do it on my own I gained all but 15 pounds back. I now go to TOPS (Take Off Pounds Sensibly) and in combination with this website have now lost 28 pounds from what I had gained back. I need as much motivation as…
  • I lost a little over 60 pounds on WW 5 years ago, but like all things when I got cocky and thought I could do it on my own I gained all but 15 pounds back. I now go to TOPS (Take Off Pounds Sensibly) and in combination with this website have now lost 28 pounds from what I had gained back. I need as much motivation as…
  • Okie Dokie, count me in too. I know - it's Sunday, but my weight as of this morning is 192.5, my goal till May 15 is 175. My ultimate goal is 165. Let's DO THIS!!
  • Thanks everyone for the kind words of wisdom. My profile says I joined in May of 08, which I did - the first time- just never went anywhere with it. This time I am determined to hang in there and visit this site often. I'm looking forward to getting to know all of you better.
  • HI everyone. I'm 52 years young, have 3 grown sons and 4 beautiful grandkids. I've been lurking around this site for a couple of weeks. Have just started using the Food and exercise trackers and love it. I'm hoping to get lots of encouragement here on my way to goal, which is about 25 pounds.
  • I would like to take you up on this challenge. Current Weight: 209.5: Labor Day Goal: 185 Overall Goal: 170ish If we keep on doing what we've always done, we'll keep on getting what we've always got.
  • Hi, I'm 52 years young, new to this website but definitely not new to dieting. In fact I'm very good at the dieting part, not so good at the keeping it off part. I need all the help I can get. I live in Castle Rock, CO and have 3 grown sons and 3 grandchildren with 1 on the way any day now. I lost a little over 65 pounds…