

  • I believe that nutrition and exercise go hand in hand for losing weight and general health. I started working out with an in home workout program from Beachbody called Power 90. It was a great way to get going on an exercise program, wasn't prohibitively expensive and came with everything I needed for the workouts,…
  • In my opinion, Shakeology is much better nutritionally than the product that you mentioned. I would however suggest that anyone that is serious about taking any product take a look at ingredients and compare. Shakeology does fill me up and will tide me over for two to three hours. There are three different options for…
  • I drink Shakeology as a meal supplement or a snack depending on my current workout schedule. I have been using the product for about a year and a half. The ingredients are all natural and complete nutritionally so, no need to add to it. I also use Energy and Endurance prior to workouts and Results and Recovery post…