

  • Hi, all, I would definitely like to join! I've always known that carbs are my weak spot in terms of food, and it has always been clear to me that if I am to loose any weight I would have to cut down on my favorites - bread and soft drinks. I've been trying to stick to it for a while with some progress, but there is a long…
  • Thanks so much, you guys, for your comments. I have to confess - it really scares me to increase the caloric uptake by 500-700 cal as you suggest. With a tendency for weight gain, I'm horrified at the thought of loosing my "old self" completely in terms of appearance. But I guess that this is a part of the adjustments to…
  • Hi, I've been trying to loose some weight while breast feeding for a while now. Lost 6 Ibs pretty quick, but now it seems I'm stuck! I've been on 1200 cal daily for more than a month now... and nothing. Just minor fluctuation due to water consumption differences. Has anyone else out there experienced that? Help!!
  • OMG! Forget the picture, and focus on something far more important - did you say "I've lost "3" of these"? You should be really proud of yourself ... (and I should be so lucky!!) Just had a baby too and am having a really hard time loosing just "1" of these... Lost some weight in the beginning, but now, no matter how I…
  • Best Wishes on the Baby!! :flowerforyou: I'm here for about a month and breast feed as well. Read on-line that I should add 200-500 calories daily but did not check with nutritionist yet. Added 200 - no reduction in breast milk yet.