

  • I would keep the note, let it be, and if he boths you anymore you will have the note for evidence. I would let it go for now. He can stay across the street with his messed up marriage and hopefully he will assume you said no! I would not give the note to his wife because it will just make you involved in their life. His…
  • I have to work out 7 days a week about 30 mins a day. It gives me energy and yes I am tired, but I sleep like a baby now. Before I had trouble sleeping and now I do not. I think exercising has helped me more than hurt me. If I stop exercising for a day, I will stop, this helps your body adjust more to the exercising. I am…
  • Welcome, I am new as well. I am looking forward to working on this site. Check out my blog if you want some helpful hints for dieting and exercising! Good luck!!