

  • I can relate! I am starting school October 10th in a super competative program. Minimum 30 hours a week of work. plus I work two jobs and have two babies and am planning our wedding for january....The ONLY thing that keeps me working on my diet is my daughters. For me its easier to find someone or something outside of…
  • I like how my legs are starting to look again! I had the sexiest legs and then gained weight, now they are slimming down and looking sexy again!
  • Welcome! I am new as well and looking for support! Good for you for coming back! Add me as a friend if you would like! Good luck getting started again!
  • What a fantastic post! I joined this site for that information specifically. I am having a hard time meeting my calorie requirement each day. I can barely get 1300 calories a day let alone 1700. Yesterday I barely hit 1000 and I had to force myself to eat a little more. I am not really hungry either. I am chasing my 2 year…