Hey guys, I encourage all of you to not only do cardio, but perform strength training as well. I've told my mom so many times about the importance of this, and for some reason the notion that lifting weights for women is bad still exists. If you guys need any help at all, please send me a personal message. I have some…
Hey guys, everyone lacks motivation. Today, this morning, I really didn't want to go to work. But I did...the fact of the matter is it's tough to stay on top of your game all of the time, but that's where commitment and dedication comes in. Some days will be easier than others, and using a support system is key to keep…
15% is an awesome goal! That's where I'm at right now, I'd like to get down to 12% but I may have to lay off of the Ritas....I remember when I dropped 50 lbs from college, and I would log literally everything in my log book. If I had a bad day, I'd get back to it the next day. Supporters are so underrated. Any successful…
Yeah same here, no chance of my squatting with my toes pointing straight. That is a great video of squatting, pretty sure I saw it before but he certainly breaks it down great. Thanks again for sharing.
It takes a lot of patience, time, and effort. Like many users have stated already, it's about finding something you can stick with. There's going to be good days and bad days, but the key is consistency. I'd suggest finding your maintenance calorie level through the site, and then subtract 300-500 calories from that daily.…
Wow, I am jealous of all of you! I had 2 yellow labs growing up, and we had 2 litters. I get enjoyment out of looking at all of these pictures..I'm actually about to write a weight loss story on dogs losing weight, and it I'm going to post before and after pictures.
I agree, everyone's anatomy is different. Personally, I have very long femurs and it makes it very difficult to keep my chest up and spine in a neutral position throughout the entire squat. Sumo deadlifts and squats with the toes putting out help a lot, keeping my torso a bit more vertical throughout the movement. I need…
Hey smpleablissfu, I'm glad to see you're making progress. I think all of us at some point or another had a graph that's up and down, even though all of us don't track them all of the time. From reading your post, I'd suggest picking a day that you get weighed in. Say you choose Monday....on that Monday morning, before you…
Support systems are huge! I can always use an extra push from someone. Let's face it, we all can't sustain motivation at its highest point all of the time. It's at these times when having others support you in your goals that matters most. If you return the favor, I will be one happy man :-).
I agree with a bunch of your statements. Food is definitely not as healthy as it used to be, and advertisers on nutrition labels don't do the best job helping either. I'm a firm believer that going back to the basics is usually the best thing people can do when they struggle; it's consistency with the little things, and…
Awesome recipes, guys! I'm always looking for more recipes to add to my site. Feel free to create some of your own, and share them with others on my site. God knows I need help in the cooking department lol!
Hey guys, regardless of whether or not the site is perfect, at least it has the right intention. However, it is definitely important to understand that building muscle reduces your body fat, and tracking your progress through simply your weight isn't the best idea. Instead, like a few other users have stated, testing your…
Read this article on Injury and especially ankle problems.
Hey Bren, What are your goals? What are you trying to achieve by lifting? This will help us all point you in the right direction!
It's about how you feel day in and day out. Body fat percentage is what you should be analyzing! Don't get hung up on the number quite yet.
Hey Fanuch, I would recommend the Basis B1 if you are going to be doing multisports especially running and cycling. The watch will gie you tips on habits to stay healthy but while also keeping track of fitness stats like heart rate etc. It can even tell the difference between cycling and running without having to touch…
Hey Jshaw, Do you know how many daily calories your consuming?