FitChickNC Member


  • Yes I am correcting. For the running I just adjust to what garmin puts in for me, for my classes what HRM says, and for strength I just use what strength MFP gives me. Yes I am using method 2 AND also looking at the avg daily calories are at as well. I figure I can take fitbits info and then see where I am avg at gross for…
  • Thanks! I will try that. :) I'm looking at the spreadsheet and entering in my daily food total to see what I average over the next month and figured let's see what happens.
  • I used the scooby calculator initially and then updated to the simple number on the spreadsheet haybales had created. Previous history is 10 years ago lost about 40lbs on WW, got pregnant, lost weight again on WW, got pregnant again, and with final WW lost all the weight and then some. At that point I was 135lbs. I then…
  • This spreadsheet is amazing! My question is for the fitbit page, I usually add my exercise to the fitbit app with accuracy for my cardio of running, classes, stairmill etc. SO for example yesterday with putting in my body pump class and my run (and at the correct times of day) I ended up with a TDEE of 2606 (just looked…
  • My TDEE is coming at 2570 and right now according to my fitbit (which I put in my exercise for today ) I'm at 4:15pm 2007. I'm going to watch the difference every day I can to see if it's a lot more at the end of the day compared to my TDEE calculation. That's the way to do it correct?
  • Oh and I ride my bike to work which is 9 miles round trip a couple of days a week with a little riding with my kids to school as well.
  • Thank you! I lift 30 - 45 minutes 4 - 5 days a week and I do 3 - 4 days of running plus some interval training on the stairclimber. I usually take 1 day off rarely 2. So not really sure what to set myself at amount of activity hours.