

  • Thank you for Sharing :) I looked up Wild Friends and they have a variety to choose from. The chocolate, honey, and maple look soooo good! Good help & neat tricks!
  • Speaking from a college kid perspective... I don't have that much money as it is but, I love stocking up on vegetable & fruits!!! If you have a farmers market coming up I recommend going to one they are filled with endless supplies for diet meals. I try to stray away from creamy foods and keep to whole foods. For example,…
  • I love peanut butter out of the jar! I could snack on Nutella and peanut butter all the time if I could. At times I try to find new ways to match it up with fruits and grains. Maybe you have some ideas to share for healthy snacking with peanut butter? These are mine: - PB & Banana - PB & Strawberry - PB, granola, & Apples…